Creator-Writer- Director-Executive Producer: James E.Carter 1 347 526-5211 / email :
A Family Comedy Drama : Feature or TV Series Created by James E.Carter
Screenplay Written by John Azzopardi, Jami Rhodes and James E.Carter
(BFP) (c)2020(WGE)
Cindy Brown is a con woman who violates her parole after a failed attempt to steal a puppy from pet store owner Mr James Carter, He is also The President of the King Community Center in Chicago,along with his wife Mrs Jackie Carter whom is the Vice President of the center,Mrs Jackie Carter is introduced to Cindy Brown, she’s also introduce Cindy to the 5 Teenagers and The Staff, So after a dramatic attempt at reverse psychology, human and social anxiety with the judge, Cindy is given a second chance,which she now has to volunteer her services for 2 weeks dealing with the 5 teenagers in a special group that faces insecurity, they will help each other over come their insecurity and Cindy psychology, human and social anxiety, we will see throughout the 2 weeks how all starts to bonds with everyone, offering their support, love and changes that will outlook on life & their future.
With additional characters.
The tone of the feature are Passion,Lovable,Inner Emotions,Nervous,Funny,Comedy,Drama, Reality. The charactors will face some social issues with a comedic-drama relief.
The visual style is Entertaining,Diverse and Colorful.
The cinematography will be Humorous Edge,Redemption,Captivity,Hard,Soft,Action packed and Reality Looks.
The music will be Funk and Upbeat songs and Jazz Music.(Think of Marcus Miller)
Cast Wish: Samuel L.Jackson as Mr James Carter
The feature will be a 1 hour and 30 minutes comedy/drama/coming of age similar to Bustin Loose and A Piece of The Action meet The Wizard of OZ with adult content